Tuesday, October 11, 2005

An Angel for Kittens

This last weekend our Sunday morning was spent rescuing a tiny gold kitten who had taken a ride hidden inside of a forklift. His mother had safely placed him there in this barn on our club grounds, not knowing some human would come along and take that huge piece of equipment far away. The man who drove the forklift did not hear the kitten until he stopped the engine. The tiny kitten was crying for its mother and would have come out to the man, but his two inquisitive dogs decided it was much more fun to chase the little gold kitten into the barn nearby.

The next morning, the kitten was still in the barn. The man had left a can of tuna for him to eat, not having any cat food. My husband and I were told the sad tale and went over to the barn, but that tiny kitten was so scared it would only cry somewhere inside another tractor's engine.

So, we broght the kitten's mother in a little porta cage. She was real nervous, never having been in this particular barn before. She got the kitten to call to her and even come out, but whenever either of us tried to catch it, it made one quick streak for the many hiding places us huge humans could not get into. So we let mama out and she managed to get her wayward child to come to her. Now we had to catch both of them. Mama was nervous and the baby was still shaken from the night alone in a strange place. The barn was huge and there were so many farm implements and tractors to hide in that it was becoming an impossible task. So, I just closed my eyes for a moment and said a little prayer.

"God, if you have an angel to watch over kittens, we sure need help right now. Both cats are too fast for us and I just don't want to leave them there where a dog or other animal could come along and kill them. And they are too far away from home to know how to get back."

As soon as I opened my eyes again, mama headed for the crack under the one regular sized door to the barn where she could see the sunlight coming in from outside. In one swoop, my husband caught the little gold kitten, and I had mama.

I sure hope those two cats thank God for their own special angel.

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