Thursday, March 30, 2006

Angelic Inspiration

Many times we are inspired from a source we do not know. Perhaps it is God, our own higher self, or just plain luck. Then again, maybe it is an angel whispering in our ear. One of our survey respondents wrote us of one such occurrence:

"I have had in the span of my life, moments were I
have been spoken to in a silent language not my
own. I write down what is told to me.
I am in no way a poet.
An example: One night I awoke and could not sleep.
I went to my living room and looked out to a
cloudless night and watched the stars and found
it all so beautiful. At that moment, a voice as
clear as a bell rang out to me and said,
"The universe is but a vast desert of shifting
sands, and you within this great desert are but a
grain of sand."
It was very moving, it was not me. I cried
from the emotion.
There are have been many other moments."

If we but take the time to pause and still the thoughts in our over-active minds, we just might hear the whisper of God or one of his angels. Won't you take time to share with us your own inspirations?

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